Thursday, July 28, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 029 - Technical Jargon

Today Zuby discusses MTGO and what he thinks is wrong with the program. Not your typical rant about MTGO so stay tuned and listen. Also, you all have one more week for the EDH giveaway contest! Next episode Zuby will announce the winners!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by 5 color combo! Makers of Magic Drafter available on iPhone and Android devices! Download it today!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 028 - Interview with Mrs. Mulligan

Today Zuby is talking with well known MTG streamer Mrs. Mulligan! We discuss all things Magic as well as various other topics. Be sure to tune in! Also make sure to listen for the code word for the Commander 2015 deck giveaway! Email once you hear the code word in order to be eligible to win!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 027 - You may have some Reservations

Today Zuby brings back his good buddy Alec from the Anime-athon Podcast! They discuss what's been going on in MTG Finance as well as discuss the new juicy cards of Eldritch Moon! Sit back and relax it's a long one but very enjoyable!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 026 - Grinding Levels

Today Zuby discusses how to level up your game in MTG! Stay tuned for the whole episode!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 025 - Inquisitive Minds want to know

Today's episode has been something Zuby has been wanting to do for awhile now! Stay tuned and listen to the whole thing! 

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 024 - Interview with Todd Stevens

On today's episode we have up and coming pro Todd Stevens who is mostly known from his appearances on the Star City Opens! We discussed everything from MTG to his personal life and much more! Be sure to catch it all!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% now when you purchase Rollback Rx!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 023 - Beacon of Budget and Creativity

Zuby is back again this week to ramble on about what it means to be a budget MTG player as well as adding your own spark of creativity!

Magic with Zuby is featured on for all your MTG needs!
Magic with Zuby is proudly sponsored by Horizon Datasys makers of Rollback Rx! Save 25% when you purchase it now!

Magic with Zuby can be found at:
Twitter: @magicwithzuby
iTunes, Google Play, Tunein Radio, Stitcher

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 022 - Glimpse of a Legacy

Zuby discusses Standard, EDH, and even Legacy on today's episode! Be sure to take a listen! You can find Zuby on Twitter @Zubatron as well as Magic with Zuby @magicwithzuby. If you wish to email us any questions send them to We are on Facebook as well at Enjoy the episode!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 021 - Limited but not excluded to

Hey everybody! Zuby is joined once again by his good friend Alec and they discuss one of their favorite formats in Magic the Gathering! Limited! They go over both Draft and Sealed and some of the choices that are involved in them. Be sure to listen to it all!

Email Zuby at:
Follow Zuby at: @MagicwithZuby and @Zubatron

If you have any questions or comments let me know!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 020 - Much Ado about EDH

Today Zuby has another special guest, a local EDH legend and top 100 contributor to, Emory Harris! We discussed EDH at length among other things! You can email Zuby at as well as get a hold of him on Twitter @MagicwithZuby as well as on Facebook at!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 019 - Interview with Emma Handy

On today's episode Zuby interviews SCG Open Grinder Pro Emma Handy! We discuss her start in MTG all the way up to her career right now! We also discussed topics including women in magic as well as the bathroom law going around in North Carolina just in time for Grand Prix Charlotte! If you have any questions for Zuby please send them to!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 018: MTG Esports and you

On today's episode Zuby discusses even more about the Platinum Pro changes (oh jeez I know! But it's not what you think!) and what can be done to get MTG into the esport spotlight even more! He also rambles on about decks he's planning on building as well. Be sure to listen! If you want to send Zuby any questions to read on air email him at! Be sure to find us on as well!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 017: I don't want no scrub

Hey everybody! On today's episode Zuby discusses the Platinum Pro changes as well as the decks shown at the Pro Tour SOI. He then discusses some decks he's been building but most of all discusses about scrubbing out at a PPTQ and coming to some realizations in his competitive play. Be sure to listen! If you want to send Zuby any questions to read on air email him at!

Magic with Zuby is proud to announce that we are being featured on! Be sure to check them out! You can reach Zuby on Twitter @Zubatron and the show's official Twitter page @Magicwithzuby.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 016 - Interview with Jadine Klomparens!

Hey everybody! Today Zuby is interviewing SCG pro and TCGPlayer writer Jadine Klomparens! Come by and listen in! You can find Zuby on Twitter @MagicwithZuby and Facebook as well as email him at!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Weekly MTG Update - April 18th, 2016

Another week has flown by us and this just means another Weekly MTG Update! So let's start off with some local FNM results!

I did not attend Modern Monday again due to work conflicts but I did attend FNM this past Friday and brought Mono Red Eldrazi with me below is my list:

Overall I went 1-2 and dropped. I only managed to beat BW control and lost to Bant Company and a homebrew UR thopter list.

I have a PPTQ coming up this Saturday that I plan on attending and will be preparing for it this week so expect some streams coming your way!

I'm hoping to do some more video content not just with the podcast but maybe some deck showcases in Magic Duels since I'm pretty fond of the game but we shall see. The biggest thing I need for all this is time! Which I have none of sadly.

In other news, the Starcitygames Invitational just happened and wow what a showing for Standard. Bant Company and W/x or even Mono White humans have both had very strong showings. I'm not sure how I feel about all this as the meta is still in it's infancy stages with SOI just being out. I really hope we won't be facing a similar meta to Theros/RTR where 2-3 decks are the only one's showing up. That spells trouble to me but as I said, way too early to tell.

Collected Company has become a card that has definitely shaped Standard maybe even more so than Siege Rhino ever did. Creature decks have become the go to decks and it's becoming more and more common place to run 25+ creatures right now. Even in Modern Collected Company has seen some impact mainly with Abzan and Elves. It feels like over the weekend with SCG people have forgotten to sideboard in Hollowed Moonlight, especially now that 4C Rally is no longer a threat.

So what else has been going on with MTG? I did open a box of SOI last week and below are the best pulls I got out of it!
A photo posted by @zubatron on
I must say I've been enjoying SOI draft a lot! It really makes me want to play more limited which I feel I have neglected terribly since I've gone hardcore into Standard and Modern. I did a SOI draft and below is what I put together. I feel it isn't too terrible but it was a lot of fun. Inspiring Captain is definitely a real threat to be had on the board and people kept passing them to me! At one point my deck had 3 but I had to trim it down.

Otherwise not much else has been going on with me MTG wise. I'm prepping for this PPTQ and hoping to do decently well, but we shall see! I'll be sure to do a write up on it when I get back from the tournament!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 015 - Rotation is coming! What do I do?

On Today's Episode Zuby discusses what to do during rotation and it is super serious, so be sure to follow all of his tips! Also at one point his mind explodes, why? Listen and find out! Be sure to follow Zuby on Twitter @Zubatron and @MagicwithZuby also email him any questions and he will read them on the air!


Direct Download

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekly Magic Update - April 10th, 2016

Another week has gone by my magic friends and we are on the brink of exploring a new Standard with Shadows over Innistrad finally having been released! My box has not come in yet but I'm hoping it will show up sometime this week. I'll be sure to post some of the more notable pulls I get!

So what's been going on in the world of Magic the Gathering you may ask? Well, with SOI finally released I participated in the first SOI Standard this past Friday and ended up going 2-1 with my redone Eldrazi Ramp which can be seen below:

I feel like this deck is probably not well suited in this Standard as it still suffers the same issues it always has is if you don't have a good opening hand, good luck even winning. I know that can be said with a lot of decks but I've felt this is even more so with Eldrazi Ramp. Some decks you can handle having a mediocre hand but if your hand is mediocre in Ramp good luck.

So the next deck I have built is Red Eldrazi beatdown which I plan on doing a deck tech very shortly. Which I haven't done one of those in awhile eh?

So then we proceeded to draft and below is the decklist I drafted:

I ended up going 2-1 and getting third place. I lost to a similar drafted deck, oh well though. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed drafting Shadows over Innistrad compared to BFZ or OGW. OGW and BFZ felt like very straight forward formats to draft where SOI so far has a lot of fun limited mechanics with delirium and madness and clues makes it for a fun draft environment. I saw someone try and draft a UB clue deck and even though he didn't do well he had a ton of fun playing it at least.

Pictured below is the rare I got from my prize pack:

A photo posted by @zubatron on

I'm also working on grinding packs in Magic Duels and I'm messing around with some new AI decks to help grind gold. It seems they have made a lot of changes to the starter decks so my mono red goblin deck I used to grind gold with is no longer good. So now I'm experimenting with some new decks to grind faster and more efficient. Once I find something good I'll be sure to post it and write about it!

That's all for now! Have a great one everybody!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Weekly Magic Update - April 7th, 2016

So it has been a crazy couple of weeks for me personally. If you heard episode 14 of my podcast you'd understand why. Work has been getting in the way of life a lot lately! Including Magic! How rude right? Why should real life responsibilities get in the way of my spell slinging? But alas, I have to be a responsible adult and do what I must.

I've decided to make a change to how the weekly updates go. Instead of separating from weekly updates into Modern and Standard I'm going to combine them into one weekly update. This will not only help me since I've become so busy lately but I am also going to be talking about deck brews I may be thinking of writing up or cool new cards coming up as well. So we shall see how it goes in the future!

So what has been going on in the world of MTG for me? Not a whole lot honestly. I haven't had a chance to go to Modern Monday's past few weeks and I did go to the last Standard FNM this past friday but went 1-2 with Eldrazi Ramp. I had just gotten done with a 20 hour work day and didn't care that much how I did. Then it was Shadows over Innistrad Prerelease.

These were the two best pulls I felt I had in the night:

Ended up not even using either card instead I built this sweet Green/White Werewolf/Human deck which did pretty decently and what I mean by that was I went 2-0 in the first round and then dropped cause I was exhausted. This was the Midnight Pre-release. I can't do those anymore, I'm getting too old for this shit. Here's the deck I put together for Pre-release:

Other than that, I ordered a box of Shadows over Innistrad which should arrive next week hopefully so I'll be sure to post my pulls for that as well. I've also come up with my first Standard deck list for the new SOI standard. It's just Eldrazi Ramp pretty much and it may be the deck I take to the PPTQ I plan on attending on April 23rd. It can be seen below:

So what else has been going on before we end this week's update? Not a whole lot of nothing. I did a bit of tweaking to my Nin and Oloro EDH decks. Been feeling the itch to play a bit of EDH lately so I've tried to slide in some new cards here and there. I've also slowly begun the torturous process of organizing my cards again.....for the 1000th time. They haven't been organized since Battle for Zendikar came out so it's due. 

That's about it for me and hope you enjoyed reading it, I shall be back again next week with some more MTG tales to tell! Have a good one! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 014 - We say farewell to Khans and Fate

On this episode we discuss our fond memories of Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged which are rotating out in Standard. If you have any questions for Zuby please hit him up at Twitter @Zubatron or @MagicwithZuby or email him at!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Weekly Modern Update - March 29th, 2016

Modern Monday has passed us by and here we are again with another update to how I did. I brought my Grixis Delver deck again which is listed below and I must say I thoroughly enjoy this deck and how much fun it brings. While it is not in the top tier of decks I love the many ins and outs you have. Snapcaster Mage must be my favorite card in the entire deck. Enough about the gushing of Snappy let's get to it!


Round 1: Grixis Delver vs. Slivers

So I've gone up against Slivers before in the past as Delver and have been able to win. This time though it was the opposite. I lost 0-2 and I did have answers to disrupt my opponent and kill their Slivers and counter but it wasn't enough. Both games being able to flood the board I was not able to do anything. At least it was over quickly!

Results: 0-2 LOST

Round 2: Grixis Delver vs. Esper Control

This was sure to be a long grueling round. Many counter battles were had, many kill spells played but in the end Grixis Delver got the upper hand. Thank you Delver of Secrets! You did your job! Nothing too special happened during the games but they were grueling.

Results: 2-0 WON

Round 3: Grixis Delver vs. Jund

This was probably my favorite round of the night. In all 3 games it was very close and we both constantly kept going back and forth. Just when my opponent thought he could kill me I would snap in a response. It was rounds like these that make me fall in love with Grixis Delver. I know I could easily go Grixis Control as well but I love my little Delver guy. The fact that I sacrifice so much life to try and get the upper edge and being able to come back when I'm at 2-3 life is so much fun. You're on the edge of your seat thinking your opponent has a kill spell ready but you manage to claw and fight your way back to victory. I lost this round though but not without giving my opponent a struggle.

Results: 1-2 LOST

Round 4: Grixis Delver vs. Burn

Normally I would write down what happened during the game but these were very much non games that I don't feel like getting into. I will say I ended up winning 2-0 but not the most gracefully.

Results: 2-0 WON

Overall: 2-2

So I'm still stuck in the 2-2 slump with Grixis overall. I need to make some additions to the deck such as Fulminator Mage, Spellskite and Blood Moon and I will get those eventually. I'm starting to become more familiar with the deck each time I play and what hands to keep and seeing the different lines of play. I need to keep going to these Monday Night Moderns in order to get better at the format so when I go to the next IQ or PPTQ that's Modern I can be better prepared.

Thanks for reading! I'm hoping to finish my Goblins deck soon and then my Ensoul Artifact pet project. My big deterrent is time right now. The older you get the more responsibilities you have! Till next time!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly Standard Update - March 28th, 2016

Another week, another FNM gone by! This week I decided to take my Eldrazi Ramp for a spin again! Listed below is the decklist so let's get on with the tournament results!


Round 1: Eldrazi Ramp vs. Esper Control 1-1 DRAW

Round 2: Eldrazi Ramp vs. Midrange Landfall 2-1 WIN

Round 3: Eldrazi Ramp vs. Esper Control 2-0 WIN

Round 4: Eldrazi Ramp vs. BR Dragons 1-2 LOST

So game 3 of Round 4 was basically a non game. My opening hand in game 3 was 6 lands and a Nissa's Pilgrimage. Yuck! Had to mulligan down to 4 cause the next set of hands consisted of no lands! It was a blow out but it happens. It's what Magic is all about right?

In other news, Shadows over Innistrad prerelease is this weekend! Woot! Who else is excited? I know I am!

I'm also getting excited for redoing my Eldrazi Ramp deck, here are my thoughts of what I will be adding and replacing:

                       Rattleclaw Mystic                    change to                         Leaf Gilder

Since Rattleclaw Mystic is going away I figured the next best Manadork we have available to us right now. I've seen Hedron Crawler being used but that just doesn't work out for me since the majority of my deck is Green and I already have plenty of access to colorless mana. So Leaf Gilder is a shoo-in here.

                        Wooded Foothills                     change to                       Game Trail

For this change I'm thinking not using a whole 4-of Game Trail but instead maybe go to 2-3. If I go down to 2 I will add 1 more forest and 1 more mountain, If I go 3-of then just 1 more forest. The rest of my mana base should be fine.

                 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon                 change to                     Chandra, Flamecaller

With Ugin leaving our next best choice is Chandra. While the board wipe isn't the same quality as Ugin's, it is something. We'll just have to see how this pans out.

So there you have it. I'm not sure on sideboard changes yet due to not being sure what we'll see. I will be sure to post results on how this new ramp deck does and if it is worthy to take to the next PPTQ I'm attending which is on April 23rd!

Thanks for reading everyone!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 013 - I will not concede!

With Shadows over Innistrad fully spoiled Zuby discusses some other cards. Zuby also discusses two other articles that irks him a little bit and gives his opinion on both! Be sure to follow Zuby and the podcast on Twitter @MagicwithZuby and @Zubatron. Also find Magic with Zuby on Facebook! The Magic with Zuby just recently showed up on Stitcher!! Be sure to check it out on there as well!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What's considered fair?

If you've been around your local game store long enough or even at competitive REL events you've probably heard the following few phrases tossed around:

"This deck is unfair!"

"Well, that's fair"

"Seems fair.." said with a sarcastic remark

And so on and so on. You know what I'm talking about. The people who complain that certain decks and deck archetypes are deemed unfun and unfair because they are seemingly impossible to beat against your deck. It's probably confirmation bias hitting me but it seems like I hear these phrases uttered more and more often lately. So what is fair?

If we look at the definition of fair it is as follows:

"Agreeing with what is right or acceptable"

"Treating people in a way that does not favor some over others"

"Not too harsh or critical"

So now that we have that out of the way what is fair again? Most times when I hear people complain about unfair decks it's most likely caused with them losing to a deck that is not well suited to theirs or a control deck that locks you down. Can we really call those unfair though?

Most people will argue that Magic the Gathering is about fun right? It is just a game some would say after getting lambasted that an opponent's deck was deemed unfair. So what fun is it if someone plays a deck that locks down someone else or it has an infinite combo and there is seemingly nothing you can do?

I can understand this point of view, you go to FNM or to your LGS to play some Magic and it can be no fun if the one super competitive person brings their awesome deck and beats everyone with it. Whether this just be a free for all play or a commander game. It can bring no fun for everyone else. This is where playgroups can make up house rules where they all agree not to play certain cards or combos and everyone can be in agreement and happy.

On the other hand though, Magic has always been about (to me) ways to figure out how certain cards work and figuring out cool combinations and spells and effects and building a deck from there regardless of the format. Saying that the one person who brings their one deck that can destroy yours and your playgroup that they can no longer play it or certain cards within it, how fair is that for that person? Instead of setting the game on an easy difficulty, why not take that challenge to figure out a way to defeat that particular deck?

But again, you can argue, I just play for fun and don't want the stress or non enjoyment of playing against those kinds of decks. Which is fine in itself, because Magic caters to all types of players and I can agree. I personally don't take EDH/Commander very seriously so my decks are not anywhere near being considered competitive. I don't always put the optimal cards in them either, I prefer fun cards. The only time I do not agree when people complain about decks being unfun or unfair is when it comes to competition.

When it comes to FNM or higher level Comp REL events whether or not a deck is unfair or not should not even be questioned. There are caveats to this of course. I am of course referring to bannings that have happened in Magic's past. Whether that is the splinter twin banning, the summer bloom banning as well as pod and etc..... You can find all the banned cards here:

Unless a particular card is so warping of the format or a deck is warping the format should there be someone to intervene but as a player while you are waiting for a particular card or deck to be banned, should you just sit by and let it take over or should you figure out ways to beat it?

If doing well at competitive events means a lot to you then you need to figure out ways to beat that deck that seems so unfair to you. Practice against it and even play as that deck so you can understand all the lines of play and understand it's weaknesses!

A good example of this is the takeover of Eldrazi in Modern. When Eldrazi swept the Pro Tour a few months back everyone was calling for its ban. Wizards decided to let the meta evolve and see if people can figure out ways to beat it and there have been some attempts! If you look at all the big Modern events on you'll mainly see Eldrazi Aggro running rampant everywhere! Does this mean we should ban some parts of the Eldrazi deck?

You could make a good argument that yes you should. Right now at Eldrazi Aggro
takes up 27% of the meta. I don't think there has been a Modern deck that has ever taken up that much but I ask once again should we just give up and let Wizards take care of the format or allow them to maybe print some answers to help us combat the Eldrazi invasion or have the fine pro minds develop ways to combat the Eldrazi?

Without getting too deep into the Eldrazi mess in Modern. I mainly just wanted to state, that in Magic, especially at higher level events (which is where this article sort of sparked from), if a deck is truly unfair. Maybe you just didn't prepare right for the event, or played a deck that was poorly suited for the meta. Whatever the issue may be, figure out why the deck is unfair and figure out how to fairly beat it!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly Standard Update - March 21st, 2016

Another week has passed us and another FNM has gone by. With a few weeks left of this current standard before rotation happens it appears my current LGS's FNM has become considerably smaller. Whether it is due to the end of standard coming soon or lack of interest I'm not sure. Hopefully we get more people coming as Shadows over Innistrad comes out.

So I decided to bring Jeskai Dragons with me this week again. This time I stayed for all 4 rounds where last week I did not as I was completely exhausted and could barely stay awake. Life has started taking a toll on me much more than it has been. Below is my deck list I am currently running:

Rather than going by a match by match analysis as I usually do I figure I'd rather discuss what possible implications Shadows over Innistrad might have on standard. While I don't usually like guessing what may or may not come from the new set it is worth looking at but before we begin here is how I did:

Round 1: Jeskai Dragons vs. UR Prowess 2-0 WIN

Round 2: Jeskai Dragons vs. Atarka Red 0-2 LOST

Round 3: Jeskai Dragons vs. Atarka Landfall 2-0 WIN

Round 4: Jeskai Dragons vs. Eldrazi Aggro 2-0 WIN

So overall I got 3rd place since 1st and 2nd split. Instead of prize money I took 2 prize packs instead and managed to pull a Kozilek's Return and Chandra, Flamecaller. So definitely worth it.

Now back to Shadows over Innistrad. The rare lands were just spoiled today as you can see below:

These lands tell me that it may be possible for 3 colors to still exist albeit possibly the shard colors instead of the wedge colors. It's still really early to tell but these new rarelands will definitely make Dual colored decks much easier to handle.

So what may we see come this new standard? I definitely think an all zombie's deck is possible with Relentless Dead and Khalita's floating around. Possibly a B/R Vampire deck as well could be a good beatdown deck. I can also see a landfall type deck still existing but going from an aggro shell to a midrange shell adding in Mina and the new Arlin Kord Planeswalker.

Personally the deck I'm excited about the most to try and build is a new Sphinx's Tutelage deck. With cards coming to the forefront such as Thing in the Ice and the new Jace along with Startled Awake. I'm excited to try and build this and mill out my opponent. Mill has always been one of my favorite mechanics in the game and one of my favorite ways to win. Of course I don't expect this to be competitive but there is that hope.

So what other sort of decks are you hoping to see in the new Standard? Comment below and let me know!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Magic with Zuby Episode 012 - Maybe Shadows over Innistrad is worth it

We welcome back Alec from last week's episode to discuss more Shadows over Innistrad! If you have any questions for Zuby please hit him up at Twitter @Zubatron or @MagicwithZuby or email him at!!

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iTunes Link

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Modern - Grixis Delver

When I first discovered and started "delving" (bad pun I know) into Modern I was instantly drawn towards Grixis. Dimir (Blue/Black) is easily my favorite color combination and splashing/adding in red makes for a lot more fun. So if I had to choose, I really enjoy the Grixis colors the most out of any other color combination. So what about Grixis Delver made me choose this deck to build? First and foremost it is not a linear deck, it is very reactive and always making sure you have the upper hand and ready for anything coming at you. It's also a thinker's deck, what I mean by that is, sometimes the lines of play are not always clear and sometimes you may have to sacrifice something in order to get ahead. It's definitely not an easy deck to master.

So today we are going to go over the deck and why you put in certain cards. Know this, the deck I have is still ever changing, especially the sideboard so I will not be going over that. Sideboards, especially in Modern, should be based on your local meta unless you are going to a Comp REL event and prepare for top tier decks at that point. The decklist is shown below:


Delver of Secrets- A most inconspicuous 1/1 creature. At face value it doesn't seem that threatening. What makes this card great is not only can you get a 3/2 with flying by potentially turn 2 you also get to kind of, somewhat Scry 1 on your next turn even though you have to reveal the card to flip the Delver. If you flipped your Delver by Turn 2 you're already pressuring your opponent into making a decision of whether to keep at their plan or dispose of this Delver as quickly as possible. 

Gurmag Angler- Since this card has come out I've found it to be a surprising addition to the list but I completely understand why it was added. A 5/5 is nothing to scoff at in Modern, the fact you can get this 5/5 by Turn 2 or maybe even Turn 3 makes it that much better. 

Snapcaster Mage- Probably one of the most iconic cards in Modern (besides Island *wink wink*) and for good reason. It's ability to add any instant or sorcery in your graveyard flashback makes it extremely valuable. Need that kill spell you used a few turns back or that counter? Snapcaster is there for you!

Tasigur, the Golden Fang- Similar to Gurmag Angler, you can manage to get Tasigur by turn 2 or 3 if you're lucky enough. Even a 4/5 is nothing to laugh at as well. Tasigur's ability is perfect for a deck like this cause even if you put something in the graveyard that your opponent doesn't choose, your Snapcaster can save you and give you what you need!

Young Pyromancer- If this card goes unanswered for long your board can get rather big and uncontrollable.  I would normally try and play this card if you have something to protect it with on the same turn because this creature normally doesn't live for long.


Electrolyze- A more expensive Forked Bolt that has a major advantage. It allows you to draw cards which is a blue player's favorite thing.

Forked Bolt- A shock spell that has the advantage of being able to split the damage among creatures or players, perfect for when your opponent is trying to swarm you.

Gitaxian Probe- Card advantage is always going to be something you want in any format. Knowing what your opponent has helps you even more.

Kolaghan's Command- Probably the best Command card to come from Dragons of Tarkir. You're able to choose 2 out of the 4 modes and it's all pure value for you. 

Lightning Bolt- The classic smash in your face or creature's face card. One of the best burn spells in Modern at your disposal.

Mana Leak- Another classic counter. Since we have no access to Counterspell this is one of our better options.

Remand- While it has the downside of putting the spell back in your opponents hand, it does give you a card as well.

Serum Visions- The best draw card spell we have in this format. Being able to draw a card and then Scrying 2? Yes please all day!

Spell Pierce- This card has always been a hit or miss for me. Sometimes I may not even mainboard it that night or if I do mainboard it, I never see a use for it. Perhaps it is my local meta but it's still a noteworthy card.

Spell Snare- Since the CMC of most Modern cards can be 2 this card fits perfectly. You normally will never want a full playset of this in your deck it's still a very valuable card to have.

Terminate- Destroy Target Creature. What more could we want? Can't regenerate? Ok!

Thought Scour- Our delving engine. You'll normally want to target yourself with this card as it can provide delve fuel for Gurmag and Tasigur as well as more spells in your graveyard for Snapcaster to use.

So there's the deck in a nutshell. What I like about this variant of Grixis Delver, if I want to switch it to Midrange or Control it's relatively inexpensive to do so since most of the cards you'll need you'll already have. You would have to invest in Flip Jace and some Pia and Kiran's if you go that route but it's worth it in the long run.

As I've said before I enjoy this deck and the non linearity of it. The Top Tier decks of Modern as of right now are mainly linear beat 'em down type decks. While reactive decks such as this are not exactly in the spotlight right now it does not mean they are not viable. In the right hands this deck can be very nasty. Thanks for reading!